The Best Way to Invest $200 in Your New Ukiah Home

The Best Way to Invest $200 in Your New Ukiah Home

If you know me, then you know I’m all about a good home renovation. Upgrading your carpet, appliances, or roofing can massively impact the value of your house.

This is especially important if you plan to sell your property in Ukiah. It’s simply not possible to list your home “as is” and get top dollar anymore. Improve your curb appeal, however, and everything changes.

But what about those who plan to stay in their homes for years or decades? Where should you plan to invest?

While I’m still a big advocate for new flooring, there’s one project I love even more — and it costs much less.

For as little as $200, you can transform your backyard into a haven. (New construction homeowners, take note!) The secret?

Plant trees.

As a realtor, I see plenty of new communities where the lots are smaller and the houses closer together. Many homeowners choose to put up privacy fences that share property lines or tie into a neighbor’s existing fence. This helps, for sure.

But in the long run? The best bang for your buck is to plant a few trees in your backyard — as soon as you move in. Over time, they’ll grow (the miracle of nature!) and offer more privacy. Your property will begin to feel qualitatively separate from your neighbor’s.

And trees are so much prettier than a fence.

Plus, even if you decide to move in the near future, small improvements like this are a compelling way to make your property stand out in a sea of new construction. Your home could sell for thousands more than a similar one in your neighborhood that has the “standard,” builder-grade backyard.

So, my best advice is to grab a few young trees from Friedman’s Home Improvement here in Ukiah and plant some equity in your home. (Maybe snag some fruit trees, especially if you like apples or Asian pears, which grow really well here!) Your future self will thank you for it.