Health and Wellness in Ukiah, California

Health and Wellness in Ukiah, California

I often think of that line from Ferris Bueller. You know the one.

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

I think those words are even truer now than they were in ‘86. Life moves so quickly these days, and as a result, we let a lot of things fall by the wayside.

Breakfast—who needs it? Eight to ten hours of sleep—who has the time?

And don’t get me started on other aspects of our collective health and wellness. Self-care is all the rage on social media—but are we actually making space for it IRL?

While the Ukiah community isn’t perfect (who is?), one thing I love about living here is that we make a real effort to care for our bodies, minds, and spirits. That doesn’t mean we’re constantly lounging by the pool with cucumber slices over our eyes. But we do have access to some amazing resources.

One of my favorite local spots is Mendocino Health and Wellness. It’s a sister company to the much-loved Ukiah Valley Athletic Club.

John and Lauren Strangio, the owners, have given our community access to new and exciting ways to take care of our bodies and minds. Their wellness center offers a wide range of services, including therapeutic recovery, detoxification, and post-workout recovery. It’s like a mini vacation!

They also offer PEMF technology, which I find fascinating. It uses a pulsing magnetic field to recharge cells and allow for swifter healing. Incredible, right?

Mendocino Health and Wellness is conveniently located downtown and has been thoughtfully renovated to provide something for everyone. The business is still new, so I’m super excited to see what’s next for them!

I truly believe that our health is our most valuable asset, so I’m grateful to John and Lauren for their continued commitment to our community and the endless energy they devote to their local businesses. If you’re new to (or familiar with!) the area, be sure to check them out.