Parents Night Out in Ukiah, California

Parents Night Out in Ukiah, California

When you interview for a new job, there are a few important questions you ask, right? You want to know a) what’s expected of you and b) how your performance will be evaluated.

And then, once the hiring manager has fallen in love with you, it’s time to pull out the big guns.

What’s the starting salary? What’s the bonus structure? And of course, how much PTO will you get every year?

But one key job in today’s market isn’t compensated at all. On the contrary, it keeps you up at night, forces you to clean mysterious messes around the “office,” and frequently disregards your personal space — even in the bathroom.

I speak of the most important job life has given me and approximately two billion others on the planet: being a parent.

Raising tiny humans is the hardest, weirdest, most incredible, most fulfilling responsibility there is. I love being a realtor, but man, it can’t begin to compare to being a mom. It’s apples to oranges. Nothing can prepare you for parenting, and once you’ve experienced it, nothing can supplant the joy.

Because yeah, you’re awake around the clock, cooking and cleaning and searching for a missing stuffed animal in a sea of, “NOT THAT ONE!”

But you’re also seeing the world with fresh eyes, learning new things every day, and feeling a kind of love you weren’t sure existed. (I still remember the first time I knew what people meant by “unconditional love.” That’s a moment that changes your entire worldview for the better.)

Still, any mom or dad can tell you that parenting is a lot of work. There are no sick days. There’s no vacation time. It’s just you and your constantly evolving wisdom, attempting to wrangle your kids for a trip to the grocery store.

The reality is that you just want a break sometimes. To get out of your house, out of the state. Whatever it takes to come back with more clarity and patience.

And this is why I’m so grateful for Tina Nelson and her business, Starz Gymnastics.

I don’t know about you, but a monthly getaway isn’t really in the cards for me. I can, however, drop my kids off at Starz and let them burn off some energy under Tina’s supervision.

I’ve known Tina for ten years now, and let me tell you: she is awesome. My family loves her, Starz Gymnastics, and the major blessing she likes to call “Parents Night Out.”

Parents Night Out allows you to drop off your kids for an evening of open gym, obstacle courses, pizza, and a movie. It’s the perfect solution if you’ve been struggling to schedule a date night with your spouse (or, like, deep clean your home. I know I’ve been there).

Even if you have regular childcare, Starz is a great place to host birthday parties or enroll your kid in weekly gymnastics classes. Tina’s entire team is amazing, and my crew is always sad to leave the gym.

As I mentioned, I’ve known Tina for a long time, so feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about Starz. I hope your family loves this place as much as I do!