The Best Way to Invest $200 in Your New Ukiah Home

If you know me, then you know I’m all about a good home renovation. Upgrading your carpet, appliances, or roofing can massively impact the value of your house. This is especially important if you plan to sell your property in Ukiah. It’s simply not possible to list your home “as is” and get top dollar The Best Way to Invest $200 in Your New Ukiah Home

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Health and Wellness in Ukiah, California

I often think of that line from Ferris Bueller. You know the one. “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” I think those words are even truer now than they were in ‘86. Life moves so quickly these days, and as a result, Health and Wellness in Ukiah, California

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Businesses I Recommend in Ukiah, California

When you live in one city long enough, you learn who to trust and who to avoid. It’s easy to double down on bad-mouthing businesses that never seem to follow through on their promises—but I like to keep things positive. As a realtor in Ukiah, I regularly work with contractors, small businesses, and all sorts Businesses I Recommend in Ukiah, California

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The Best Bakery in Ukiah, California

While I’d love to be the kind of person who meticulously meal preps a week in advance… ha. Maybe when my kids are older or I’m graced with the organization skills of Marie Kondo. But not right now. Sometimes, the best I can do is a piece of toast as I’m running out the door. The Best Bakery in Ukiah, California

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Parents Night Out in Ukiah, California

When you interview for a new job, there are a few important questions you ask, right? You want to know a) what’s expected of you and b) how your performance will be evaluated. And then, once the hiring manager has fallen in love with you, it’s time to pull out the big guns. What’s the Parents Night Out in Ukiah, California

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The Best Event Venue in Ukiah, California

It’s no secret that choosing a venue is one of the most challenging parts of planning an event—especially a wedding. With dozens of people to shuffle, a lot hangs in the balance, including space, ease of access, and budget. I mean, think about it. We’ve all been to a wedding where the dance floor was The Best Event Venue in Ukiah, California

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